There are a lot of people entangled by sin - especially the sin of lust, pornography, masturbation, sexual immorality, and all kinds of impurity. This is what is true in our world today. These are addictive and habitual sins.
Feeling anxious and tightly strung can also be a product of stagnant, repressed energy. When not channeled properly (as in the practice ofsexual transmutation), our sexual energy can overload our bodies making it hard for us to stay grounded. Physicians in the Victorian era referred to this a...
See alsoBest Internet Filter and Monitoring Software So you want to know how to stop porn addiction or any addiction. Start believing in yourself first because there is nothing that you cannot overcome if you believe and persevere. This is the first step and is very necessary. Stop all the ...
Just as long as it is a Bible-believing church that you get connected to. Also, keep in mind that a church is not meant for saints. A church is a hospital for sinners to get well, find the light, and share it with others! The Christian faith starts in the home, branches out to ...
Remember to do to others as you would want others to do to you!Would You Like To Speak To Someone? Click Here!Please contact us if you have questions or if you need some encouragement.Helping one another is a beautiful and selfless act that brings joy to both the giver and receiver. ...
Many people have overcome this addiction and so can you. Its a personal decision you must make because no one can do this for you. So let’s get into the steps. 1. Before you learn how to stop masturbating you must isolate the cause and not the symptoms. There is a reason or ...
Queenie for supremacy in the sport. The story deals with how the participants perform under the influences and who Eric supports at a critical stage of the women’s competition. For Eric,it is a “coming of age”. For Queenie, it is the realization that age is beginning to overcome. ...
One of the main reasons sins and bad habits persist in our lives is because we justify them in our minds, “Oh it’s okay to lust as long as I think of my future spouse.”“Oh it’s okay to watch 5 hours of YouTube videos every day as long as I don’t watch porn.”“Oh it...
a sin. But porn frequently gets weighted with more baggage than its fellow transgressions; Jesus said simply looking at a woman with lust was adultery, and yet if we catch a young man ogling a woman’s cleavage we tend to just smack him in the head and tell him to cut it out. Yet ...
The other woman tried to seduce a godly man, and did not succeed. The woman in Canterbury Tales did love God, but she used lust and greed to get what she wanted. The woman in Bath’s Tale had a love for the Devine and did live by grace. All the men involved, had freewill and ...