Some of the most intelligent brain scientists in the world are paid ungodly sums to make sure you’re as addicted as possible, hijacking your reward pathways so they can mine your time, manipulate your thought processes, and sell your data to the highest bidder. The endless pursuit of cor...
Having someone with addiction as an acquaintance isn't uncommon, and if it is your loved one, you might often wonder how you can help. To be clear, it isn't always easy, but confusing and even scary. However, the chances are high that your loved ones overcome their challenges with ...
Almost every organization has too many meetings with too many people in them that run too long. Most organizations eventually get to the point where their middle managers can’t do their “real” work during the day because they’re running from meeting to meeting or video call to video call...
Conflict: How to overcome approval addictionMaxwell, Gene DVM
Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and can’t seem to break free? Are you struggling with drinking dangers and drug addiction and don’t know how to overcome addiction? You’re not alone. Millions of people are struggling with addiction every day, but that doesn’t mean you have...
If the behaviour has control over you, then it has likely become a problem in your life. Why Is Sexual Addiction So Difficult To Overcome Sexual addiction is one of the most challenging addictions to overcome. With substance addictions, like alcoholism or drug addiction, it is possible (and ...
from drug addiction. Inpatient or outpatient detox programs are designed to help an addict overcome physical dependency and withdrawal from drugs. Detox is just the first step in the recovery process, and it should be followed up with behavioral therapies and counseling to ensure long-term success...
Drug rehabilitation has been designed to assist people in recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. How intense and lengthy the service for any treatment will be depends on the requirement of the person concerned. There is no one single treatment that fits everyone. ...
The answer to this appears to bedopamine. In the case of drug addiction, the pattern that occurs is that the drug (or activity like gambling) increases levels of the naturally-occurring neurotransmitter called dopamine. This is the key neurotransmitter tied to your brain's ability to perceive ...
How to Overcome a Gambling AddictionPosted on February 23, 2024 by admin A gambling addiction can strain relationships, interfere with work and other activities, and lead to financial disaster. It can also make it hard to stop, and may cause people to do things they wouldn’t normally do, ...