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With rat populations exploding across the globe, exterminators have one last shot to take back city streets from this cunning, resourceful pest.
Deadly outbreaks have plagued societies for centuries. But they can lead to medical breakthroughs—if we learn the right lessons from them.
DNA carries the information for making all the cell's proteins. These proteins implement all the functions of a living organism and determine the organism's characteristics. When the cell reproduces, it must pass all of this information on to the daughter cells. Before a cell can reproduce, i...
Heredity (2017) 118, 96–109; doi:10.1038/hdy.2016.109; published online 30 November 2016 INTRODUCTION The relation between an organism's DNA sequence and its fitness is extremely complex, being mediated by gene expression, physiology, development and behaviour, all in interaction with the ...
So, HIV requires a host cell to stay alive and replicate. To reproduce, the virus creates new virus particles inside a host cell, and those particles carry the virus to new cells. Fortunately the virus particles are fragile. Viruses, including HIV, don't have cell walls or a nucleus. ...
If the mutation is beneficial, the mutated organism survives to reproduce, and the mutation gets passed on to its offspring. In this way, natural selection guides the evolutionary process to incorporate only the good mutations into the species, and expunge the bad mutations. The book "Extinct ...
An earthworm lacks any kind of lungs, but like any other aerobic organism, it still needs oxygen to carry out essential processes and to rid itself of carbon dioxide that builds up as waste. Instead of inhaling and exhaling like us, the exchange of these gases in and out of the earthworm...
there is evidence that it undergoes a thermodynamically reversible conformational change into a kinetically trapped state depending on the age of the organism in which it is expressed38,39. Age-related functional changes in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases have also been suggested to arise from conformational...
Finally, the ancestral proteins are expressed from their synthesized encoding genes, purified (or incorporated into the genome of an appropriate extant host organism; see section entitled “Linking paleophenotype to biogeochemical data” below for discussion [46,47]), and characterized for functionality...