An ordered list is created with the<ol>tag. Each list item starts with the<li>tag. <!DOCTYPEHTML><!><html><body><ol><li>CSS</li><li>HTML</li><li>Javascript</li></ol></body></html> Click to view the demo ...
An HTML unordered list can be styled to change the default list item marker, to nest one list inside another, and to change the default layout from vertical to horizontal. We’ll walk through how to create each of these possibilities in the examples below. ...
We all want our elements inside the web page to be in a particular order as it helps in displaying the web page in a sorted and well-arranged manner. The convention is to choose from various types of lists. There are majorly three types of lists: Ordered List, Unordered L...
Example of displaying an ordered list with nested counters with the “table” value of the display property: <!DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><title>Title of the document</title><style>ol{list-style-type: none;counter-reset: item;margin:0;padding:0; }li{display: table;counter-increment: item;ma...
Ordered List (<ol>) The HTML ordered list element is for listing items when the order does matter. Recipes, for example, should follow a particular order. The steps must be defined by the <li> tag and then wrapped in the <ol> element. Each <li> element will have ...
Example of adding indent for the second line of the ordered list: <!DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><title>Title of the document</title><style>ol,li{margin:0;padding:0; }ol{counter-reset: list;display: table; }li{list-style: none;counter-increment: list;display: table-row; ...
How to Start a List with a Number Other than 1 and Still Have it Automatically Numbered (HTML) Count from a different number in an ordered list How to Start a List with a Number Other than 1 and Still Have it Automatically Numbered (HTML) by Christopher Heng, One of ...
<a> (anchor): Marks hyperlinks that lead to other pages or sections within the same document. Use descriptive, relevantanchor textto inform users and search engines where the link leads. <ol> (ordered list): Indicates an ordered (numbered) list. Use it for items that need to be presented...
You can then type inolwhich stands for ordered list: <!-- wp:list {"ordered":true} --> <ol> Hosted with ️ byWPCode 1-click Use in WordPress After that, add each list item by following the same process described above: ...
Ordered List <ol> Unordered List <ul> List Item <li> Links <a> Note:For the<a/>tag, the only attribute we support ishref; we automatically addrel=nofollowto all links; and thetargetattribute is set to_blank, so it will open a new window. We supportftp,http,https,mailto, and...