And I’m currently using my phone alarm, so I decided to put myalarm clockaway for a bit to see if I came back to it or not. (I am a terrible waker-upper, so I’m always changing up my wake up routine to try to make it easier!) Step 4- Make a plan. When I was left wi...
Elizabeth has been talking about a Dragon baby since we had little Daniel (he is a tiger). We will make it just in time for our third little one to be born in the year of the dragon (I’m also a dragon). Her due date is the end of September to the beginning of October. While...
If I cooked dinner, I couldn't get the dishes washed the same day. There’d be so many dishes piled up that we'd “have to” dine out the next night just so I could catch up. The beds were left unmade, and we'd pile the clean laundry on top. Bonus points for the clean lau...
Having been raised in an upper middle class Jewish environment whenever a presidential campaign took place the question asked by the Jewish Community was, “Is he good for the Jews?” Never was the question asked, “Is he good for America?” An example of how the Jewish Community gives pr...
Read to relax.But choose your reading material with care. The idea is to read something light that won't stimulate your mind. In other words, you probably don't want to crack that new software manual. Better choices would be a popular magazine, a short story or perhaps devotional reading...
Shelley Jefsen is a lover of Jesus, wife, homeschooling mother of 4, and author of5 Steps to Raising A Well-Behaved ChildE-book as well as theRaise Good Kids 28 Day Parenting Devotional. She is the CEO and Founder ofMama Duck. Her passion is providing moms with good parenting for rais...
The need to search experimentally for positive directions can perhaps best be explained by mapping the devotional dimension of sustainability leadership and offering allegorical guidance. In times of great peril throughout human history, orders of knights have formed to bring focus to protecting the ...
to a foot of snow will cover the ground by dawn. the church, located on the upper west side, can't ask its staff to risk a dangerous commute. unfortunately, that means it must cancel the alcoholics anonymous meeting held daily in the basement. a worried murmur ripples through the room....
One could argue that the “Buddhist method” proposed in the canonical version, consisting of instructions to maintain a pure lifestyle, keep the precepts designed for laypersons, perform repentance rituals, provide incense and flowers, engage in other devotional activities, and invite a monk to ...