Learn how to filter shower water in your apartment to protect your hair and skin from common chemicals and minerals found in tap water.
Learn how to order in French like a native speaker with this French restaurant vocabulary guide! We’ll walk you through everything you need to know—from meals and food terms, navigating menus in France, making reservations and much more. Click here so
Note: Using tap water, soap or other cleaning agents that aren’t medically approved can harm your eyes and contact lenses. Pat your lens case dry Wipe the case dry with a clean lint free tissue, then leave the case upside down on a clean tissue to air dry and place the lids face do...
Restaurant vocabulary in Spanish Restaurant vocabulary in Spanish One of the first things you’ll worry about after you land in a Spanish-speaking country is how to order food in Spanish. Although this can seem daunting at first–especially if you’re still at thebeginner Spanish level, being ...
Reduce wait time for hot water or plan to use the cold water. Consider adding an instant water tap or heating cold water on a gas range, instead of running the tap until you get hot water. If you run the tap while waiting for hot water, catch it in a pitcher, put it in the refr...
“Because of the sap-like gum that appears naturally in rye, and because of its water-binding capacity, rye doughs will always feel moist and sticky when you test them with your finger. This makes it easy to add too much flour during kneading, so be careful not to add more than a tab...
This week, X’s icon is lodged next to the calendar widget on one of my home screens, ensuring I’m frequently reminded of that toxic platform. This is an overdue upgrade. Uninstalling X’s Android app and replacing it with a Web shortcut was the latest step in a spiral of ...
Italians don’t serve tap water, so you’ll always buy bottled or mineral water at restaurants. You can choose betweennaturale(still) orfrizzante / gassata(sparkling). In Italy, it’s a given that a wine list will accompany your menu. Basic wine categories includebianco(white),rosso(red)...
TIP:Learn a few basic local phrases for each country that you will be visiting. People always appreciate the effort, even if all you can say is ‘bonjour’ or ‘merci’ (‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in French). Bruges, Belgium.
My mother taught me this useful tip on how to hard boil eggs. Rinsing the cooked eggs in cold water served a dual purpose. Firstly, it stops them developing a green ring around the yolk. Secondly, it makes the egg a lot easier to handle in order to peel it! You can´t peel an ...