If you ever need to worry about pet medication — knock on wood — it may be best to order it online. Buying medication from websites, like1-800-Pet-MedsorChewy, can mean saving a lot of money than you might otherwise spend at a pharmacy. Plus, the meds can be shipped right to yo...
Morning came and Dexter was still limping, not putting pressure on the leg, and so off to the emergency animal hospital for a physical examination. He was diagnosed with a soft tissue injury, and I’ll explain what happened, typical and not-so-typical reasons for a dog to limp, when to...
But she wasn’t interested in any other toys, squeaky or chewy or anything (although once we received a stuffed Taco Bell chihuahua, and she was motivated by the mechanical “Yo quiero Taco Bell” to tear it to pieces). After we had for about five years, Pupper grew less and less inte...