But the menu says that you can have a pie filled with burgers. Or lasagne. Confirmation bias: we actually all do this so it’s good to be aware of it. Your brain retains things that reinforce your bias and edits out contradictory evidence. Example: I think that people who call ...
63 2012 BLOG spacepolitics.com #$16M. What else do you need to see how much of a priority it is to NASA? To Congress and the WH? 64 1993 SPOK PBS_Newshour #does so strongly, it would be amazed at how much support it could find. MR-MUDD: Joining us now to discuss the questions...
We chat about green tea, veggie burgers, Blake and Chris' tangential relationship, the crazy story behind his book, a shellfish ranking, he recently saw Limp Bizkit, M*cklemore and K*ller Mike, biscuit-eating bitches, bootlicking, his time at Bennington, Honor Levy's book, taboo humor, ...
The dinosaurs face their Armageddon. Barbie and a Brat go head-to-head on MTV's Exposed. What happens on Tuesday, when Wimpy has to pay for his burgers? Greatest American Hero, or Greatest American Nerd? Find out how infinite wealth has affected Richie Rich's teenage years. ...
The skits for this episode are as follows: Following the death of director Dave Wilson, the show's future is in jeopardy. Sissy Spacek performs a baton twirling scene that was cut from Carrie. A burger restaurant prepares burgers according to the customers' bizarre specifications. President ...
you have more than two months to get through them, something you can easily handle in a weekend. Do it so you can be caught up on the conversation in time for season two, and to finally understand why the hell people keep talking about a girl namedBarband some beast called a ...
and the reasonable expectation that the job will be filled in short order — not that the resume will be filed, to be used later and who knows when. Job hunters reasonably expect a timely answer when they submit their resumes. But we all know what really happens: usually, nothing at all...