If you have old but the right size eyeglass frames on hand then just measure the frame size to be sure. Again, after determining the size of your frames you can filter them on the page. Frame Color Glasses have evolved to the point where they come in a wide variety of frame colors. ...
As you are browsing our vast catalog of custom eyeglass frames, you may be wondering how to place an order for RX glasses. While it may seem more complex on the surface, placing an order with us is as easy as buying anything else over the Internet....
Buying prescription glasses online is easy. With a script from your eye doctor, have fashionable lenses and quality frames shipped directly to your door.
On the inner section of the temples (where the eyeglass frames and arms meet) you will usually find incredibly small screws. Tighten the screws using a mini screwdriver. Eyeglass repair kits such as our Feel Good Handy Kit are perfect for tightening screws on your glasses. If you find your...
Your eyes should be centered within your lenses. Eyeglass frames that are too wide can make your eyes appear too close together, while narrow frames will give your eyes a wide-set look. To find the lens height and width, measure the widest and tallest parts of the lens. ...
Knowing your glasses measurements can be useful when it’s time to get a new pair. If you have some old, well-loved frames, then their measurements are often a great starting point for your browsing. But measurements aren’t the only factor that matters, and they shouldn’t completely dict...
I priced out a set of frames, lenses and options from Zenni Optical similar to what I just bought locally. Total price: a little over $100. I've yet to actually order them, because I'm still living with the $600 mistake on my face, but rest assured my next eyeglass order will come...
Some optometry business now still only take their online website as a place to showcase their product and service, rather than a sales channel where customers can actually order a pair of glasses. Further, some brands only sell eyeglass frames online, and if the customers are interested in pr...
For example, you can use AR to allow customers to virtually try on eyeglass frames or see what a particular sofa looks like in their living room. You can also use social media tech to make sure customers see products that are relevant to them and so they can make purchases through social...
The focus adjustment allows -8.0D – +2.0D. If you require diopter outside of this range or astigmatism correction, eyeglass frames are provided that can be installed on the goggles, allowing you to use your own lenses. Unlike most other FPV goggles, the Goggles 2 have no buttons; control...