The drink takes on all the goodness of cold brew coffee and mixes it with the iconic holiday drink (the Caramel Brulee Latte), which is simply perfect because it was, like, 70 degrees this weekend, so it is somehow still very much iced coffee season. View full post on Tiktok Now, ... has created the Toasted Caramel Brulee Cold Brew which is equal parts festive, caffeinated, and delicious. Here's how to order it.
— Starbucks (@Starbucks)November 5, 2020 Here are the beverages that will land you a free cup: Caramel Brulee Latte Chestnut Praline Latte Eggnog Latte (my fav) Hot Chocolate Peppermint Hot Chocolate Peppermint Mocha Pumpkin Cream Cold Pumpkin Cream Nitro Cold Brew Pumpkin Spice Latte Salted Ca...
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