If you have an account at a bank or credit union, you can redeem your money order there for no charge. If you don’t have a bank account, or if your bank is closed when you go to cash the money order, there are many other places to do it. Some options include convenience stores,...
If you’ve never filled out a money order before, don’t worry. Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to help you fill out your money order correctly: 1. Write the name of the recipient In the “PAY TO THE ORDER OF” section, write the name of the person or company you’re send...
Print the order information you've entered to send with your order. Visit your local money order issuing location to get a money order for the total amount due. Send it along with your printed order to the online seller. Tip Allow a couple of weeks to receive your order back in the mai...
Money orders are a method of payment that requires immediate funding. As a result, many people prefer money orders to personal checks when conducting business. Payko allows you to transfer funds from your PayPal account online to a money order and send the instrument to a recipient. As of Oc...
Sign the back of the money order — be sure to sign it at the counter and not beforehand. Present your ID and the money order to the teller or clerk. Receive payment. If the order is deposited into a bank account, it may take a couple days for the funds to become available. ...
Many people confuse money orders and cashier checks since they are both used to guarantee funds for payment. But there are some key differences.
Filling out a money order is not complicated, but it does require attention to detail. Follow these 6 steps to fill out a money order correctly.
A money order is a prepaid payment that can be more secure than cash or checks. Learn how they work.
Can be deposited into a bank account for free: You can deposit a money order into a bank account, much as you would do a check. Depositing money orders is a good option for recipients concerned about the fees charged to cash the certificates at other locations. Can be issued in one cou...
How to Fill Out a Money Order 1. Fill in the Name of the Recipient Write the name of the recipient, the person whom you are paying, in the “pay to” or “pay to the order of” field. Include the person’s name or the name of a business. ...