Depending on your state, county, or city, you might need to acquire additional licenses and permits to legally open and operate a vape shop; fees for your permits and licenses will vary according to your location, too. It's probably best to consult a lawyer about the requirements for vape...
There is no requirement to charge a disposable, to understand how vape coils operate or even to fill up with e-liquid once it’s empty. For the ultimate convenience, it’s ready right out of the package! And with most being auto-draw devices, it’s as close as you’ll get to a ...
After all, it just seems like common sense to unlock a vape, but the truth is that many who come to vaping for the first time do not know the ins and outs of their vape pen, let alone the inner components and how they operate....
comply with current vaping regulations and protect their properties from potential vape and smoke-related damage, teams must find a way to reliably detect and deter vaping incidents. While in-person patrols can be effective in some cases, the subtle nature of vape smoke can make it hard to ...
Learn the essential parts of vaping and how to inhale a vape properly. From how vaping works, to how vapor is made, to how to get started.
Generally, most desktop vaporizers are more powerful and provide a constant heat source, although require more energy to operate, but there are some that run on rechargeable batteries. Most Handheld Vaporizers are battery powered, yet there are still some that need a cord and outlet to work,...
For instance, The Cloud Alchemist team emails new customers after a purchase, encouraging them to review the product for the vape community JuiceDB. JuiceDB is a leading community review site for the vape industry, and The Cloud Alchemist makes it clear to customers that their review –– good...
On the other hand, you might operate a store in an area close to beaches or golf courses. This could actually increase the number of customers buying premium cigars during spring breakor summer holidays. With KORONA POS reporting, you can isolate and analyze specific times of theyear toplan ...
Start-ups need to operate on a stringent budget. As a business, you cannot afford to stretch your budget more than it is required. Your marketing budget cannot be as big as that of the already established budget. Make sure that everything is planned to make sure that you do not stretch...
Vape products and HTPs are now under the jurisdiction of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Department of Health (DOH).This means there is no need to secure a License to Operate and a Product Batch Declaration Certificate from the FDA following the provisions of Republic Act...