pistol and how well it seems to present itself to the target and how comfortable and easy it is to shoot. Use the cleaning rod and patch to clean the chamber. Bersa Thunder, Firestorm Sig P238 S&W Bodyguard Taurus Spectrum PT 738 Walther PT738 PK380, PPK/S Kahr CW380, CT380 Springfiel...
In considering how to conceal carry either type pistol, it is critical to learn the difference between the double action trigger pull, single action trigger pull, and how each is activated. It’s not complicated, but a “first step” in understanding these guns. The role of the de-cocker ...
To add insult to injury, I think I know where the confusion stems from. During WWII, G.I.’s used the clip loading system of the M1 Garand and called the En Bloc Clip a clip. Because that weapon was the dominant one used in the U.S. Military, everyone started using the term to ...