But opening the MySQL prompt can be a little tricky in Windows PC. As just typing “mysql” in command prompt does not work… So here is a complete guide toeasily open MySQL terminal from Windows Command Prompt. #1: Install XAMPP and locate installation Directory: First you need to install...
6. Iffirewalld is enabled, allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic. Use the following commands to open the ports and reload the firewalld service: sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https sudo firewall-cmd --...
No matter which device you‘re using, a request to or "localhost" will always be sent back to the same device you’re working on. The best part is that you don‘t need any special permissions, equipment, or even an internet connection for this to happen. Th...
cmd not cdC:\Apache24\binhttpd C:\Apache24\conf\httpd.confis Apache’s configuration file if you need to change server settings. C:\Apache24\htdocsis the web server’s root content folder. It contains a singleindex.htmlfile with the “It works!” message. ...
Check install in prompt See how to get to cmd prompt here, by using keyboard shortcut Win+R (standing for Windows Run), and there type simply cmd for command, to open the command prompt. How to cmd prompt Once in the command prompt, simply type composer and press enter. If install co...
1.Open the folder where you have downloaded and installed theSDK platform tools. 2.OpenCommand Promptby typing cmd in the address bar and hit Enter.The command prompt will open up. 3.Now connect your Android phone to Computer using the USB cable to test whether or not ADB is working prop...
How to execute SQL statements from the command prompt? Step 1 To Install a SQL Server or XAMPP Server. Step 2 To open a command prompt from windows explorer, go to the MySQL Server bin folder, type from the folder path section cmd, and then enter. ...
In this screen shot you can see that I added the path to my PHP installation at the bottom. So this completes the install. So on to Step 3 Step 3. Test the Installation. Open CMD or PowerShell elevated (Run as Adminstrator). Type php --version If you get this, your PHP ...
While onWindowsplatforms there are some built-in development environments that provide a Graphical Interface to manageApacheconfigurations, such asWAMPorXAMPP, on Linux the entire management process must be performed entirely from the Command Line, in most cases. ...
Termux is provide all functionality like as terminal, which we are using in our Ubuntu OS. then after you simple open it application and type "apt update". My goal when testing Termux was to see if I could assemble a proper* PHP development environment, so I started by installing a text...