To enable Sandbox on Windows 11/10, open the Windows Features panel on your computer and tick theWindows Sandboxcheckbox. After that, it will be installed automatically on your computer. Finally, restart your computer and open the Windows Sandbox app by searching for it in the Taskbar search b...
To enable Windows Sandbox, open“Windows Features,”check“Windows Sandbox,”click“OK,”and restart the computer. You can also enable the feature with commands using Command Prompt and PowerShell. OnWindows 11(and 10), “Windows Sandbox” is a minimal installation of Windows isolated from the ...
Windows Defender Sandboxis a component of Windows built-in security and works well with newer versions of Windows, starting from Windows 10. It is, however, not enabled by default. For the feature to work, your device must meet theSandbox prerequisites. How do I enable Windows Defender in Wi...
Windows Sandbox is a virtual environment within Windows 11, designed to run applications in an isolated space. This isolation ensures that software run within the Sandbox does not affect the main operating system, thereby safeguarding your files, the Windows registry, and crucial parts of your prima...
1. Open PowerShell as an administrator. Related:How to Run PowerShell as Administrator 2. Run theEnable-WindowsOptionalFeaturecmdletas shown below to enable the Windows Sandbox feature. TheAllparameter tells the cmdlet to install all parent features of the optional feature andOnlinetells the cmdlet...
8. A “Windows Features” window will now open up. Here, scroll down andenable Windows Sandbox,Virtual Machine Platform, and Windows Hypervisor Platform. Finally, hit the OK button. It will start installing the necessary packages and after a while, will ask you to restart the computer. ...
Press the Win + R keys to open Run and type optionalfeatures.exe into the Run box. In the Optional Features applet, scroll to and turn on (check) the box Windows Sandbox. Restart Windows 10. The feature is ready to go. How to use Windows Sandbox Using the Start menu, find Windows Sa...
Read:How to configure and use Windows Sandbox. 2] Using the Windows Command Prompt command line Open theWindows Command Prompt with Admin level rights. Execute the following command: Dism /online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:"Containers-DisposableClientVM" ...
Open the Start menu and find Windows Sandbox. Click its icon and confirm the UAC prompt to run it. Copy the app you want to run it, e.g. some installer or executable file, on the host machine. Switch to the Windows Sandbox window and paste the file. Also, you can directly download...
After the restart, pressWin + Sto openWindows search. Typesandboxand click onWindows Sandboxfrom the search result to launch the virtualization tool. 3. Install Windows Sandbox Using PowerShell You can use the Enable WindowsOptionalFeature command in PowerShell to install Windows Sandbox in Windows...