You can see in the image above I appear to be using theUSER:100000projection (the note in the bottom right-hand corner). QGIS didn’t know what to name the NY State Plane projection when I imported the shapefile, so it gave us that confusing result. What if it’s wrong!!! We’re ...
Open the shapefile in QGIS Use the Vector -> Geometry Tools -> Extract Vertices to get the x,y coordinates of each vertex. Then open the attribute table and calculate the X,Y coordinates as fields in the table. Then export that resulting dataset as a CSV. There may...
Hi, I want to import 3D shapefiles into my potree viewer. I tested to adapt the example but it doesn't work. My point cloud and my 3D shapefile are into the same coordinate system (cartesian): EPSG:3944 _ RGF93 / CC44. +proj=lcc +lat_1=4...
How to import a shapefile into QGIS?Access the Free Spotzi Explorer Gain access to our free catalog of maps and dashboards. Find Postal Codes, learn more about global income differences or just get inspired by our community maps. Spotzi Explorer is our free solution for every marketer, rese...
Try opening the entire “Shapefile”, which is actually a compressed folder with multiple files such as .shp, .dbf, etc. in it. If you open the shp only, you only get the shapes, but the data/keys are actually contained in the dbf. Regards, Charlie Liao Message 2 of 3 1,802 V...
Creating data in QGIS If you want to create points, lines, and polygons, then you can make a newshapefileto store these features: First, start by right-clicking the folder you want to create the shapefile in the Browser panel. Then, select New ▸ Shapefile. ...
Also, you could open the attribute table and export it as a CSV or TXT file. But exporting records with the attribute table doesn’t allow you to set the file type to XLS. Instead, you can use the “Table to Excel” tool to convert your shapefile to an Excel spreadsheet. Now, this...
Trying to solve this gave me a bunch of headaches that I couldn’t fix with my current knowledge. I used the WGS84 projection with “Large polygons not split” file. Instead, on this website from OpenStreetMap, you can download a giant shapefile of all the land areas in the world ...
Although many are already in QGIS 3, but unfortunately not all of them, including OpenLayers. But you can advantageously add G Maps layers and print them from QGIS 3. The good news, some Layer TMS using NextGIS are listed below with updatesqgis_basemaps.pyscript. ...
To create a selection with an expression, first open your dataset in QGIS. 1. Open QGIS 2. From the menu bar choose Layer → Add Layer → Add Vector Layer 3. Navigate to your shapefile and add the dataset by selecting the .shp component of the dataset. ...