It is still possible to open the classic System Properties dialog in Windows 11 and Windows 10 that is part of the Control Panel. As you may remember,
Looking to disable the Windows Defender Credential Guard on Windows 11? You’re not alone. While it enhances security, this feature can block access to apps likeVMware. Here’s what you need to know to disable it effectively. How do I disable the Windows Defender Credential Guard on Windows ...
The oobesetings error in Windows 11 is a blue screen error that occurs because of a damaged Registry. A problem with the Registry can lead to errors that prevent your computer from booting correctly or even starting at all. If you get this error when trying to open a new file for the f...
Is your Windows PC Stuck? Are you not able to use the mouse? Is the Menu not responding? Then follow this easy guide on restoring Windows 11 in 7 ways. They come in handy in various situations and apply to power users, keyboard users, and more to make su
Open the Run dialog box by pressing “Windows + R” from the keyboard. In here, type “Regedit”. Hit “enter” to open the Windows registry editor. Make sure to first back up the registry database and then go to the following key: ...
Disable or Enable Startup Sound on Windows 11 via the Registry Editor Open up aRundialog box by pressing theWindows key + R key. Once you’re inside theRuntext box, type‘regedit’and pressCtrl + Shift + Enterto open upRegistry Editorin admin mode. At theUser Account Control (UAC),clic...
In order to help protect your PC, Windows 11 will require users to sign in once they wake up their device from a hibernation, modern hibernation (if your
On the preview panel to the right, you can choose Pin to Start or Pin to taskbar. 7] Open Windows Security via Run dialog box Press Windows key + R to invoke the Run dialog box. In the Run dialog box, type windowsdefender: and hit Enter to open Windows Security Center. 8] Open Wi...
The quickest and easiest way o stop Windows 11 updates in progress is to stop the process from the Task manager. For that, you need to perform the following steps: When the update is in progress, pressCTRL+Shift+Esckeys. It’ll openTask Manageron your screen. ...
2Use the Run Command Another way to open Internet Options in Windows 11 is through the Run command. Press theWin + Rkeys to open the Run dialog box, then typeinetcpl.cpl, and hitEnter. This will launch the Internet Properties panel, which is another name for Internet Options. ...