InstallQt Creator, an open-source cross-platform IDE that allows users to develop GUI applications for embedded and mobile devices. It has several features including autocompletion, syntax highlighting and more. If you want to install Qt Creator on an Ubuntu computer, follow this tutorial. How to...
Say we have installed qt programs and we want to run qtcreator from the command line. What we need here is only to put a soft link to the qtcreator we have just installed. Here are some simple precedures. Once the Qt program is installed, open up a terminal and use a text editor ...
1.install qt5 development tools on ubuntu18.04: 2.porting qt5 to imx6ul:http
And what I need to do is to replicate the process through my program. I'm not sure if I'm able to open up the terminal through my program, type those instructions in and run them. I'm able to use libraries and open to other ways on how to do this. Let me know if I'm doing...
I'm trying to have a translated version of my installer which I've already created using a pre-built version of Qt installer framework, but the documentation is Inadequate and I need to know where I should put the translation file(en.qmfile which I've translated to the...
im coming from windows and i want to open the program "QT creator" as admin but don't know how to. i have tried this tutorial and it didnt work. Im able to open programs like firefox using this method but the program Qt creator wont open. it just keep lo
In previous blogs I have covered installing Qt and Qt Creator onWindowsand onLinuxusing the Qt installer and pre-built binaries. In this post, aimed at developers with novice-level Qt skills, we'll look at how you can build Qt yourself from source code. ...
Before we begin, please make sure that you've already set up your workflow using ourLinux Quick Start. Also, please make sure thatQt Creatoris installed on your machine. Launch Qt Creator, opening theQt Welcomemenu. Open Project When you open theBuild Settingsmenu, you'll notice that ...
The last thing to do was to enable remote deployment via Qt Creator, which JavaScript supported now with the help of an OpenSSH server in the embedded Linux. Now you can develop Felgo games on your desktop within Qt Creator, then just press play and the game runs on your Raspberry Pi!
ADebian/UbuntuorRHEL/CentOSLinux system C compiler Zlib 1.1.4 or or greater LibreSSL or OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 < 1.1.0 Install OpenSSH Server from Source Before installing the latest version ofSSH, make sure to check the current version ofSSHinstalled on your system using the following...