The first step lets you choose the range of dates when the old posts you want to share were first published. You can optionally choosetagsfor the posts you want to share or not share and select the authors who wrote the articles you want to share. At the top of the popup, you will ...
Whether you’re starting a new business, developing a personal brand, or updating an old website, learn how to make a website with a website builder or CMS.
So, what is web design (and what are the web design best practices) and how do you get started? We’ve got the knowledge you need to put you on the right track. From choosing your website builder and domain name, to understanding how to design each element of your site from your de...
Practically this means that whenever someone in Alaska or Tokyo typeswww.your-site.comin their browser, they get instantly connected to the web server you are renting (which can reside anywhere in the world), which sends the page they requested back to them. That page is then loaded in thei...
Due to poor technical support, downtime, or other reasons, there are high chances you want to migrate your website from one server to another.
To get started, simply open the post where you want to add a More block. Then, find the spot where you want to create the cutoff point for your preview, and click on the ‘+’ icon to add a new block. You can then type in ‘More’ and select the right block to add it to you...
In this tutorial we will provide you with detailed instruction on how to transfer your WordPress website from one hosting provider to another.
Click To Tweet Step 1: Get web hosting and domain for your blog 🌐Before you can start building your WordPress blog, you’ll need to set up two key things:Hosting –This is where all your content, images, and files live so people can access your blog online. Every website you’ve ...
In these instances, you won’t necessarily have to delete the images altogether. Rather, you could use online media editing tools to bring them to life. Also, take note of your website’s loading speed. Old video files may be overly heavy, negatively impacting your site’s user experience...
Each can help remove clutter without deleting the entire website. Clean the WordPress Database Want to keep your site exactly the same but clean up your database? There are many plugins that allow you toquickly remove old plugins, spam comments, unused post revisions and other unnecessary data...