Method 2: Create a Database in MongoDB Using MongoDB Shell The MongoDB Shell uses commands to create and manage a database. To create a database usingmongosh(MongoDB Shell): 1. Start the MongoDB Shell in the terminal: mongosh The prompt changes to the MongoDB shell in test mode (te...
After installing MongoDB, set up and configure thedatabase. The steps below show how to set up a database user and configureauthentication. Create MongoDB Admin User To create a MongoDB admin user, do the following: 1. Open the Mongo shell for use. Enter the following command in the te...
which allows you to connect and interact with your MongoDB server. When you instantiate theMongoClient(), you pass it the host of your MongoDB server, which islocalhostin our case, and the port, which is27017here.
How To Install MongoDB on Ubuntu FAQs How to sudo to root?+ How do I go to the root user in Linux?+ How do I change root in Linux?+ How to switch to root user without sudo?+ How do I log as root in Linux?+ How do I go from root to user?+ Alex M How useful was this...
In case OS firewall is enabled and running then open the MongoDB port ‘27017‘ using below firewalld-cmd command. $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=27017/tcp --permanent $ sudo firewall-cmd --reload 4) Connect to MongoDB from Terminal ...
With MongoDB Compass, you can access most of the features the MongoDB database engine offers through an intuitive visual display. You can glance through the …
(2)>**mongo "mongodb+srv://m220student:"** MongoDB shell version v4.0.6 connecting to: mongodb://,,mflix-shard-00-02-4prbz.mongodb....
1. Open the bash terminal of test-mysql: $ docker exec -it test-mysql bash Powered By 2. Connect to the client as a root user: $ mysql -u root -p Enter password: ... mysql> Powered By We are using the -u tag to specify the username (root) and adding the -p tag to en...
Step 4: Configure a Data Directory For All MongoDB Files To configure a data directory for MongoDB, create a directory called ‘MongoDBFiles’ with subdirectories ‘/data/db’. You can do this manually or by typing the command below in the terminal. ...
Note You will need the connection string to set up your environment variables later (MONGODB_URI).Cloning the Github RepositoryNow it's time to clone the demo app source code from GitHub to your local machine:Open your terminal or command prompt. Navigate to your preferred directory where you...