1. Start the MongoDB Shell in the terminal: mongosh The prompt changes to the MongoDB shell in test mode (test>). Note:If you can't access the MongoDB Shell, check whether the MongoDB service is active withsudo systemctl status mongodb. The output should confirm that the service isac...
After installing MongoDB, set up and configure thedatabase. The steps below show how to set up a database user and configureauthentication. Create MongoDB Admin User To create a MongoDB admin user, do the following: 1. Open the Mongo shell for use. Enter the following command in the ter...
On starting with MongoDB, I found that setting up and connecting to a local MongoDB database wasn’t very straightforward. In this post, I will talk about how to setup a local instance of MongoDB, run it, insert data into it via the Mongo shell, view it using a GUI like MongoDB ...
Edit a File in Linux Terminal Delete a File Using Linux Terminal Use VIM in Windows CMD (Command Prompt) This tutorial will cover all the specifics of using a Linux terminal to create and manage files. Learning to do things in different ways is always good practice. So first, we wil...
For more information, you can type the following command in PowerShell: mongod.exe–help Now, you can open your firewall for port27017to allow connections to the MongoDB database. The MongoDB engine will start, and you can now open PowerShell, load the C# drivers and connect to the Mon...
Shell 1 $ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami You can tweak the chart installation through values. I decided to experiment with it and deploy a replica set vs the default standalone setup: Shell 1 $ helm install my-mongo bitnami/mongodb --set architecture="replicaset"...
In order to explain how you can monitor MongoDB’s performance, this step outlines how to open the MongoDB shell to connect to your locally-installed MongoDB instance and create a sample collection within it. To create the sample collection used in this guide, connect to the MongoDB shell ...
MongoDB 4.0 comes with its own MSI installer that can do a pretty good job, but I got more than usually interested in the installation process when it upgraded from 3.6, and then said I had no databases. I tried to hurriedly fix what it had done and lost remote access! Basically, the...
Your application fails to connect to databases in the instance. A whitelist has been properly configured for the instance. However, the following error message is returned when you use the mongo shell to connect to the databases in the instance: ...
Common cause 2: The authentication database in the connection string URI is incorrect. Solution: Enter the correct authentication database in the connection string URI. If you use a connection string URI to connect to an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance, the connection string URI co...