A local machine on which you can install MongoDB Compass. This tutorial has instructions for how to install Compass on machines running Ubuntu and RHEL-based operating systems, but it also includes links to MongoDB’s instructions for installing Compass on Windows and MacOS. Note:The linked tuto...
Import data using MongoDB Compass MongoDB Compass is a graphical user interface for MongoDB and it's completely free to install on Mac, Windows, and Linux. You can import JSON or CSV data to MongoDB via MongoDB Compass. To import data to a collection, connect to your database cluster ...
Method 1: Create a Database in MongoDB Using Compass MongoDB Compass is a GUI for simplifying database management. To create a database using Compass, do the following: 1. Launch the MongoDB Compassprogram. If usingLinux, run the following command in the terminal: mongodb-compass The comma...
MongoDB Compass:MongoDB Compass is a very powerful GUI for the analysis of your database in the visual environment. Compass is free to use, and a source is available. And run at all, like Mac OS, Linux, and Windows. MongoDB atlas:The MongoDB atlas is the best way to store your Mon...
Once installed there will be a new MongoDB tab that we can use to add our connections by clicking "Add Connection". If you've used MongoDB Compass before, then the form should be familiar. You can enter your connection details in the form, or use a connection string. I went with the...
To use MongoDB Compass, you have to install it first. You can download and install MongoDB Compass from thethis page. When you open MongoDB Compass, you’ll see a screen that looks like this: To connect to your local MongoDB, you setHostnametolocalhostandPortto27017. These values are...
MongoDB Compass’s Connect Page: Below is a screenshot of Compass’s Connect Page. To connect the MongoDB Compass to the active MongoDB Instance, we have to fill in the above image’s details and then connect. It will connect the currently active instance of running MongoDB to the compa...
In addition to that, you’ll need a client machine which you will use to connect to your OpenVPN Server. In this guide, we’ll call this theOpenVPN Client. For the purposes of this tutorial, it’s recommended that you use your local machine as the OpenVPN client. ...
To install this tool, you can visit the official documentation on how to configure Edge Server or simply run the following command in your terminal: curl https://services.cloud.mongodb.com/edge/install.sh | bash. MongoDB Atlas Cluster (M0 or higher): This project uses a MongoDB Atlas ...
Double-click Applications to open it and locate MongoDB Compass. Drag MongoDB Compass to the Trash and empty it afterward. In the Finder, click Go > Go to Folder and paste each of the file paths below into the window one by one, pressing Return each time. In each folder, look for fi...