Launch application from terminal Linux; run a program in Linux command line. This tutorial explains how to open apps using terminal Ubuntu Using Terminal To Open An Application You can open an application by using the Linux terminal. First open the terminal (press CTRL, ALT and T) or open i...
On a Linux-based system such asUbuntu, we occasionally face problems such as “too many open files,” especially when you install and work in platforms like Apache web server and Oracle database. The encountered error signifies that our server has opened the files up to the default maximum n...
Question 2: How do I login to Ubuntu directly using root account? First, you should allow the root user to be logged in from the X as explained below. Step 1: Go to System -> Administration -> Login window. Step 2: In the Security tab, click on the check bo...
= root quiet_success After that restart your computer, when you come back to the login screen, click on the “not listed?”. Type the root in the username field and enter the root password. error found when loading root To fix this error open the root profile in a text editor: gedit ...
Now, press the enter to quit the editor after saving the file.Open file using GUI text editor:The ways to use gedit and geany GUI-based text editor have shown in the part of this tutorial. Use of gedit editor:The gedit is mostly used GUI-based text editor that is installed by default...
Related:Learning Ubuntu Apt Get Through Examples 1. Open a terminal window and run the following command to update your system’s package index. sudoaptupdate -y 2. Now that your system’s package index is up-to-date install Gedit by running the following command. ...
Gedit is the default text editor of the Gnome desktop environment. It supports tabs so you can open different files in multiple tabs. It is a simpler and easier text editor as compared to other available text editors. To edit a config file in the text editor, launch Terminal by pressingCtr...
sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common -y sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntudde-dev/stable sudo apt install dde-session-ui ubuntudde-dde dde-calendar deepin-terminal firefox fcitx-bin fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-table-wbpy network-manager-openvpn cups gedit deepin-screenshot dee...
sudo gedit /etc/gitweb.conf and replace: $projectroot = "/var/cache/git"; to our path to git repositories, /home/git/repositories in my case to: $projectroot = "/home/git/repositories"; Save the file and lets move on to next step – editing apache configuration. Open apache config ...
Linux, Ubuntu apt-get, bash, completion, Linux, TAB key, terminal, Ubuntu Ubuntu: Bash completion does not work with apt-get If for some reason does not work bash completion in terminal (using the TAB key), look inside the file bash.bashrc. Open terminal and type: sudo gedit /etc/bash...