导入JAR文件:在IDE中,选择“文件” -> “导入” -> “JAR文件”,然后选择你的JAR文件。 查看代码:导入后,你可以在项目结构中找到JAR文件,双击打开查看代码。 4. 使用Java Decompiler 4. Using a Java Decompiler 如果你想查看JAR文件中的源代码,可以使用Java反编译工具(如JD-GUI或CFR)。这些工具可以将字节码...
图片参考:slime/ic_l105.GIF 软体名称:FilZip 软体版本:3.06 授权类型:免费软体 支援语系:英文 官方网站:filzip.co m/ 档案下载:官方网站下载页面 档案下载:官方HTTP站下载(1.26MB) 更新日期:2006/7/2-谢谢网友 Neo 推荐 软体简介: 支援格式(压缩/解压缩):ZIP、PK3、BH、CAB、JAR、L...
Run your.jar file.Run the .jar file using the following command (the main method of your java application executes):java -jar [Jar file Name] Make it so that you can run your.jar file by double-clicking it (optional). To open the .jar file by double-clicking on it, change the dir...
BitZipper will restore the files in your JAR file to their original format.After installing BitZipper, you can open a JAR file simply by double-clicking it, by right-clicking on it in Windows Explorer, or by starting BitZipper and opening the JAR file the same way you open a document in ...
Then, you open the new jar file with JD-GUI: With such a remapping process, we could avoid some many compile errors in Eclipse, and save a lots of time for us. 3) Export .java with some tools a) JAD (Good at handling inner classes) ...
If you have a program, unpack the .jar file. You havetwo waysto do so: Open the .jar file in the compression program Open the installed compression program. Then, select the .jar file via the file path or drag it directly into the program. Select the “Unpack” option and follow the...
I am trying to give an application the ability to open a certain file in another outside application. For example, if a user attempts to open a .pdf file that is listed in my application, they will be redirected to an application they have installed on their device. How am I able to...
First, we’ll learn how to load a file from the classpath, a URL, or from a JAR file using standard Java classes. Second, we’ll see how to read the content withBufferedReader,Scanner,StreamTokenizer,DataInputStream,SequenceInputStream,andFileChannel. We will also discuss how to read a ...
How do you add a folder (e.g. a resource folder containing arts) to the classpath of a netbeans project? I managed to do that manually via editing the NB generated jar file of the project (that is its MANIFEST.MF file + copying the resources manually), but there should be a way ...
A textual field for you to indicate a version. This will be appended to the package name to form the name of the zip file. ClickOKto create the package. AEM lists the new package in the appropriate group folder. Click on the icon or package name to open. ...