打开终端(Terminal),输入wine /path/to/your/file.exe,将/path/to/your/file.exe替换为EXE文件的实际路径。 2. 使用虚拟机(Using a Virtual Machine) 另一种方法是使用虚拟机软件,如ParallelsDesktop或VirtualBox,在Mac上安装Windows操作系统。安装完成后,你可以在虚拟机中直接打开EXE文件。 3. 使用Boot Camp(Us...
To open a file using CMD within Windows Terminal, you first need to navigate to the directory where the file resides using the cd command. Once there, the start command, followed by the file name, will open the file with its default application. In the case of PowerShell, navi...
Shell/Bash queries related to “ubuntu open file from terminal” open file directory from terminal ubuntu; using terminal on ubunto how do you open a file; how to open terminal in file; ubuntu open file explorer in terminal; ubuntu open files in terminal; open a file from terminal ubuntu; ...
Note thatwhen you open the Terminal, you are in your home directory.The following command will help you in opening the folder of your choice: cd /path/to/file To open a directory in a terminal, you use the cd command to change your current directory. This essentially opens that folder a...
Step 4.Wait for the Terminal to open. This will open the Terminal and allow you to use the commands. But it's important to understand that this will open Terminal in the folder you're one. So, you can head into specific folders and use the same method to open the Terminal in that ...
OpenWindows Terminalin PowerShell mode. Get to your folder the same way as in CMD. Open it by typingii .. These steps will get File Explorer up and show you the folder, making it easy to look at and manage your files with a nice graphical view, especially when you want to see every...
Learn how to open a directory in terminal Linux. Here is how to open file from terminal Ubuntu or open folder from terminal Ubuntu.
When it comes to opening files in Windows, there are three ways you can do it. Double-click the file you wish to open. Right-click the file and choose Open. Choose the file you wish to open and press Enter. But none of these methods are useful when dealing with a file without exten...
Double-click the.rdpfile for the connection that you want to open. back to the top Copy files between the local computer and the remote computer Open Remote Desktop Connection. Type the computer name or the IP address of a terminal server or a computer that has Remote Desktop en...
Step 1: Go to the provided link:https://jumpshare.com/viewer/wps, redirecting you to a free online source to open.wps file online. Step 2: Now, click on the Choose WPS File button. wps opening file Step 3: Select your desirable WPS file and click on the Open button. ...