Using reflector from can open up the CrashingWebSite.dll, drill down to CrashingWebSite.WebForm1.Button1_Click and see the code pretty much exactly the way it was written, and find out that the reason for the exception was me explicitly ...
Note: If you find most of your threads are waiting on stack which is not listed below please paste the stack in comments session of this blog (or) InMSSQLWIKIface book group we will try to answer you. If you don’t get prompt reply from the community, you may need to open a suppo...
dumpStack$(counter%) = eStack$(i) END IF NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 100: eStack$(i) = "": NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO counter%: eStack$(i) = dumpStack$(i): NEXT i eStack$(0) = STR$(counter%) ELSE counter% = 0 extract% = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 100: dumpStack$(i) = "": NEXT...