When creating a file system, multiple buckets can be defined as the underlying storage of the file system through the--shardsoption. In this way, the system will distribute the files to multiple buckets based on the hashed value of the file name. Data sharding technology can distribute the lo...
When the average file is larger (over 64MB), or the file is frequently modified and has a lot of fragments, or there are many extended attributes, or the average file name is long (over 50 bytes), more storage space is needed. When you need to migrate between two types of metadata en...
openshift.io/scc: restricted $ oc get events 10m Warning FailedCreate statefulset/<statefule_name> create Pod <pod-name> in StatefulSet <statefule_name> failed error: pods "<pod-name>" is forbidden: unable to validate against any security context constraint: [provider "anyuid": Forbidden: no...
A long time back, most of the software used to ship with .hlp (WinHelp help format) help files. Since Windows Vista, the legacy .hlp format has been deprecated. To view 32-bit Help files with the .hlp file extension in Windows Vista (and higher — through Windows 8.1), you will need...
Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver provides a variety of methods of identity-based access to your Azure Key Vault. Image Cleaner to clean up stale images on your Azure Kubernetes Service cluster. Application routing add-on: this addon allows to deploy one or more instances ...
ocs-storagecluster-cephfs openshift-storage.cephfs.csi.ceph.com Delete Immediate true 2d3h openshift-storage.noobaa.io openshift-storage.noobaa.io/obc Delete Immediate false 2d3h As seem above, the 'Reclaim policy' set is 'Delete' by default. How to change this property to 'Retain', after...
1.5Take a note for the original source pv details,we should avoid to delete this pv because it stores useful data. oc get pv<pv-name>-o yaml Example output csi: volumeAttributes: clusterID: openshift-storage fsName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfilesystem storage.kubernetes.io/csiProvisionerIdentity...
furthermore, is it possible for probing the MIPI signaling to ensure there’s data on the CSI channel?panocam 2023 年7 月 5 日 08:16 13 I measured with an oscilloscope and confirmed that there was a MIPI signal when cmos work in trig mode. the file “trace-20230704-1.txt” is cmos...
The config.json file structure should be close to the following format: { "auths": { "cloud.openshift.com": { "auth": "" }, "inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5051": { "auth": "" }, "quay.io": { "auth": "" }, "registry.connect...
3.Fill in the required information to create a file system. Create a file system The creation of a file system involves the following options: Volume Name: Set a unique name according to the specified format required by the platform.