2: Getting Chromebook WiFi Password Through Chrome Shell – Crosh The second step in finding the WiFi password on Chromebook is from the crosh shell. Crosh is the command interface of the Chromebook. You can get your wifi password by following these steps: Step 1:Now, to open the crosh, p...
Once again, the world proves that where there’s a will, there is a way. And even if you’re interested in macOS, there’s no sense in wasting the laptop that you already have on hand. Waste not, want not. If you’re technically inclined and want to give it a try, or just plai...
According to the updated Chromium Support page to play Steam games on a Chromebook, there’s a chance that you might not find the option to install Steam. Luckily, there’s a workaround for this, but you’ll need to open a “Crosh Terminal.” Essentially, this is a developer environment...
There's one catch, though. On ARM Chromebooks, you’re a bit limited in what you can do. Some programs don’t run on ARM--basically, you won't be able to run closed-source applications that haven’t been compiled for ARM Linux. You have access to a variety of open source tools a...
In the crosh terminal run the command:vmc create -p PvmDefault <Windows.iso>Here <Windows.iso> should replaced with the name of your Windows image file stored in your Chromebook's Downloads folder. You can then run the VM by executing the command:vmc start PvmDefault ...
1. Connect your USB flash drive and open Rufus. Next, click on the “Select” button andchoose the Linux Mint Cinnamon image. Now, just click on “Start”. You will get a few prompts so click on “Yes” and “OK” to continue the flashing process. ...
Welcome to Developer Mode You now have full and unrestricted access to your Chromebook. To access a root shell, press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal window. In theCrosh shellwindow, typeshelland press Enter to get a full bash shell. You can then run commands with the sudo command to run...
Once the installation is done, you can enter your Linux build by typing the shell commandsudo startunityorsudo startclidepending on which Linux desktop you installed. To open Linux after a reboot, enter Chrome OS, tapCtrl +Tto open a Crosh shell, typeshell, hit Enter, and then type one ...