I exported an assembly from SolidWorks 2013 in STEP to open in Creo Parametric 2.0 and to do a charge in another system, but when I opened it the solid walls have transformed into shell, and the system doesn't accept this kind of feature. Does someone know how to solve this problem? T...
About GCRI: How to open files created in newer release, in older version of Creo Parametric application Data compatibility between all releases Can a model saved in one release be opened in previous releases Backward compatibility information Where t
Pro/ENGINEER and Creo Elements/Pro Wildfire 3.0 to Wildfire 5.0 Creo Parametric 1.0 to 2.0Description How to open SolidWorks files? Installation Instructions of Interface for SolidWorks How to configure the application to open SolidWorks data (*.sldprt and *.sldasm)? What license is required to ...
Creo Elements (temporary information data file) by PTC Creo Elements, previously known as Pro/Engineer, is an integrated 3D CAD/CAM/CAE software developed by PTC (Parametric Technology Corporation) for mechanical engineering, design, and manufacturing. The INF file is a temporary information data fi...
Open with PTC Onshape A PRT file is a part created by PTC Creo Parametric, which is part of the CreoCADsuite. It contains information used to record the part's structure and show it as a 3D model. Creo users often combine PRT files into Creo assembly (.ASM) files. ...
DOP files that are PDF export settings may be used with other programs, but the only ones we know of are PTC'sCreo ParametricandCreo Elements. The last version of Digital Orchestrator was released in 1997, and we can't find an official download/purchase link, so it's likely that your ...
By Natasha Reaves Creo Parametric allows you to customize the default system colors of parts and/or features. The Appearance Gallery is used to create, delete, modify, and save the appearance of parts and surfaces. The Appearances icon is located on the
How to disable "PTC - Creo Parametric - Start" tab in Creo 3.0? Go to solution Mat 15-Moonstone Apr 15, 2015 03:29 AM Hi there, how do I disable the Tab which displays the webpage http://www.ptc.com/community/creo3/parametric/ ? Is there a configu...
Tutorial: How to use Style command in PTC Creo Parametric? Step 1: Step 1: The interface for style command is little different, as we open style command we see one of our datum plane is shown with grids. This plane is called active plane (means it is selected). Also in model tree ...
Is it possible to have a trial version of PTC CREO Options Modeler? Thank you, Farida. This thread is inactive and closed by the PTC Community Management Team. If you would like to provide a reply and re-open this thread, please notify the moderator and reference the thread. You may ...