adding a name of your choice (without spaces). The file will be saved into the directory with the primary config.cfg. To use these new configurations in further games, enter the execution command +exec [file name] into Launch Options. ...
cl_showfps 1is the command that allows you to see your FPS in the corner of the screen. Tip: The “net_graph” command from CS:GO no longer shows FPS in CS2. An alternate way of capping your FPS is to open your console and type infps_maxfollowed by the value you want. If you ...
Remove the command from theLaunch Optionsbox if you decide not to show FPS. CS2/CS:GO FPS Commands Frames Per Seconds continue to be a popular topic for CS:GO players. Especially for those who like to try and control each and every aspect of the game - for example, tostart their espor...
While the net graph command previously used to show information like your current FPS in CS:GO, it no longer does so in Counter-Strike 2. Still, it's an handy overlay to have to see your connection to the server and other useful information. Press"¬"to open the in-game console Type...
To make binds in CS2, you need to use the developer console. Open the console by pressing the “~” key and enter the desired bind command. For example, “bind [key] [command]”, where “[key]” is the key you want to bind and “[command]” is the action. ...
Open the game and head to the Community Server Browser (look for the globe icon). Type “surf” in the Server Name field. Choose the most popular server, and start surfing! How to Play CS2 Surf: Controls and Mechanics Counter-Strike 2 offers a wide variety of unofficial game modes, incl...
Open CS2 to check if the game launches successfully. 3. Use Auto-Configuration Custom configurations allows CS2 to revert to default settings—ideal when a personalized configuration becomes problematic. Basically, it takes away any custom commands which might be causing issues with the game’s core...
The “bindtoggle” command existed in CSGO, but no longer exists in CS2. You will notice that quotation marks are not necessary sometimes. In these examples, you only need them to round up a command with a space in it so that you can signal to the console that it’s a singular comman...
Typing the following command command into the console will enable the auto director feature: spec_autodirector 1 You can disable auto director with the following command: spec_autodirector 0 In CS2, it's important to note the auto director feature doesn't work as well it used to in CS:GO...
Open up theAiming.Pro converterin your browser and change the “Convert from” tab toCSGO/CS2and the “Convert to” tab toValorant. Select the two games Next, type in yourCSGO sensitivityin the first tab. Enter your CSGO sens As soon as you enter your sensitivity, the tab right next to...