本快速入门将在对象 (Blob) 存储中使用 Azure PowerShell。 然后,使用该 PowerShell 将一个 Blob 上传到 Azure 存储,下载一个 Blob,然后列出容器中的 Blob。
模块 通过Azure PowerShell 自动执行 Azure 任务 - Training 了解如何在 Windows、Linux 或 macOS 上安装 Azure PowerShell,然后连接到 Azure 并管理资源。 认证 Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate - Certifications 演示在 Microsoft Azure 中配置、管理、保护和管理关键专业功能的关键技能。 中文...
PowerShell複製 Remove-AzIotHubRoute-ResourceGroupNameMyResourceGroup-NameMyIotHub-RouteNameMyRoute-PassThru 提示 刪除路由並不會刪除 Azure 帳戶中的任何端點。 您必須將刪除端點與刪除路由分開進行。 在本操作說明文章中,您已了解如何建立事件中樞、服務匯流排佇列和主題,以及 Azure 儲存體的路由和端點。
可以使用事件中心、服务总线队列或主题或者存储帐户作为 IoT 中心路由的终结点。 用于创建终结点的服务必须首先在 Azure 帐户中存在。 备注 如果使用本地版本的 Azure PowerShell,请在开始前登录 Azure PowerShell。 事件中心 服务总线队列 服务总线主题 Azure 存储 ...
This post will detail steps in adding Azure Active Directory users via PowerShell via the simplest way possible allowing others to include the following...
This "How-Do-I" video demonstrates how to use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to create, test, deploy, and manage Node.js services in Windows Azure. This HDI is based on the following tutorial: https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/nodejs/how-to-guides/powershell-cmdlets/ ...
Connecting to Azure PowerShell is a simple process that gives you a complete mix of administrative capabilities over your tenant, or your Azure AD deployment. There are two ways you can connect to Azure services: Connect to ARM using the Azure RM modules. ...
Learn about Azure PowerShell, and how it works. Also, you will learn how an operating system supports Azure PowerShell with its advantages and features.
On December 18, 2018, the Azure PowerShell team released the first stable version of “Az,” a new cross-platform PowerShell module that will replace AzureRM. You can install this module by running “Install-Module Az” in an elevated PowerShell prompt.
Windows Terminal, a modern application in Windows 11, integrates traditional command-line environments like Command Prompt (CMD) and PowerShell, providing a robust platform for performing a variety of tasks. To open a file using CMD within Windows Terminal, you first need to navigate to...