问题: 如何将AutoCAD Plant 3D模型插入到Revit项目中。 解决方案: 打开AutoCAD Plant 3D项目,然后查看要导入Plant 3D的图形。 注意: 建议将AutoCAD Plant 3D原点(0,0)与Revit项目基点匹配。 请勿在AutoCAD Plant 3D中使用大坐标。 在AutoCAD Plant 3D中,将原点保留在Pl
Solved: Hi, I am trying to open some AutoCAD file from a Location. After that in the newly opened file added a circle as required. Finally, Close the
将Autodesk Revit数据导入AutoCAD Plant 3D的最佳方法是使用ACIS格式(*.sat)。但是,某些单元将是曲面,而不是三维实体。这些单元应使用SURFSCULPT命令转换为三维实体。为了获得更好的工作流和性能,建议在导出复杂模型之前优化Autodesk Revit中的数据。因此,请通过以下方式采用Revit的导出设置: ...
Use Civil 3D to open the IMX file of the surface.To import the surface in Revit, use the workflow: Site Collaboration with Revit, Civil 3D & BIM 360.For importing FBX, OBJ or DAE format in Revit, it will be necessary to use another software as well. For importing these file formats,...
firms are able to create custom content and transition from AutoCAD to REVIT. He has an Associate’s of Applied Science with an emphasis in Computer Aided Design. Michael has worked with Engineers and Architects to create construction documents for projects ranging from Commercial, Industr...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SOFiSTiK\InstallParams\revit_rxa_2023 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Classes\AppID\Revit.Thumbnail20.DLL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\KUBUS BV\BCF Manager 6.0 - Revit 2022Open regedit.exe in order to delete the following values: ...
Contact usto find out about gaining access to an Autodesk expert who can answer your questions and guide you through any challenges you may be having. What's New in Autodesk Revit 2018How to install your Autodesk license file(s)
it, and choose an appropriate standard scale, that will allow your entire layout to fit within the viewport. this will zoom the view in the viewport, maintaining the center point, and also set that annotation scale current for the viewport. david koch autocad architecture and revit user...
MEP engineers use AutoCAD & Revit MEP to create designs & plans for the construction of building. CAD or Revit? See how they suggest options for your work.
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