Are you open on the weekends? 你们周末开门吗? Are you open all day? 你们全天营业吗? What are your opening hours? 你们的营业时间是什么时候? Are you open on Sundays? 星期天开门吗? Are you open every day during the week? 你一周内每天都开门吗? What time do you open tomorrow? 你们明天...
We’re open from 9am to 6pm. 我们从早上9点到下午6点营业。 We’re open on weekdays only (Monday to Friday). 我们平日(星期一到星期五)营业。 We’re open from 10am to 8pm. 我们从上午10点至晚上8点开放。 We’re open 7 days a w...
No problem in standard overhead bins though. Fida May 27, 2014 at 12:46 pm Wow, you look dashing and so very stylish. You really must have the packing down to a T! I did pretty much the same you did. I think I only used the backpack for one trip and then it was always with...
- "Is it just me, or did the sun forget to show up today?" (只有我这样觉得,还是太阳今天忘记出现了?)3. **表达惊喜**:- "Wow, look at that! I think pigs might actually fly today." (哇,你看那个!我觉得猪今天可能真的会飞。)4. **谈论食物的幽默**:- "I love pizza so much, ...
Wow, look, there’re some cakes. Let’s find out how many cakes are there. 教师放录音,让学生先看一遍能否理解,讲解一下 see how long it takes for you to eat them all. 可以加上自己的例子,让学生理解得更好,更直观(I’m hungry, so it will take me just one minute to eat them all.)...
–Fightplastic pollutionby usingreusable water bottles, bringingreusable bagswith you to the shops, and alwaystaking your rubbish homewith you. –Take your plastic prevention one step further by checking outour ten top tips, learning how to makeplastic-free gifts, andreducing plastic waste in scho...
Cooking bacon in the ovencreates perfectly crispy, delicious bacon. It’s also super easy, creates less mess than cooking it on the stovetop and allows you to multitask in the kitchen. If you’ve never baked bacon, give it a try!
That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy my nomadic life for all those years! Just for me, living out of bags for so long eventually lost its charm. I was ready to start a family, settle down, work from home, and travel less.Yet because I’ve been around the block, I’m happy to ...
Make up some goodie bags for your guests or neighbors Freeze them for later. (You’d be surprised how well baked goods freeze— even frosted cakes, cupcakes, brownies, bars, muffins, cookies, fudge, cream pies, etc.) . Hopefully, you gleaned a few creative ideas to repurpose and use up...
Do you need bags for sports? 你需要运动包吗? I need a cup for milk. 我需要一个装牛奶的杯子。 3)就……而言,对于……来说 For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉。 For girls, we have T-shir...