To specify the code page of a text fileOpen the Project Manager Window. Select the text file whose code page you want to specify. From the Project menu, choose Project Info. In the Project Information Dialog Box, click the Files tab. Right-click the selected file. From the submenu, ...
The application icon is required to be available in a set of sizes. Instead of an asset catalog, LiveCode uses an .icns file for the app icon images. I found two ways to generate the .icns file and both require a 1024x1024 png app icon image. GraphicConverter 10: Open the png and S...
To display the User Activity report, open SAS Environment Manager. In the left menu bar, select ContentProductsSAS Environment ManagerDashboard ItemsUser Activity. The User Activity report provides graphs, charts, and tables of selected audit records from a specified time period. To change the ...
With LVM, we can create logical partitions that can span across one or more physical hard drives. First, the hard drives are divided into physical volumes, then those physical volumes are combined together to create the volume group and finally the logical volumes are created from volume group....
從SSTP 移至 OpenVPN 或 IKEv2 P2S 工作階段管理 將自訂路由公告至 P2S 用戶端 建立P2S 的自訂 IPsec 原則 Azure VPN Client - 選用設定 Azure VPN 用戶端必要條件檢查 Azure VPN Client 版本 Intune - 部署 VPN 用戶端設定檔 管理閘道 SKU 路由、BGP 及 VNet 對等互連 ...
Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab Click the "Export Info to File" button Reply with the file attached Thank you, it is attached. It's actually straight up IMPOSSIBLE to alt-tab to some tasks. I *HAVE* to use the mouse because of this situation. ...
2) Either all of your writes have to make it to the disk, or none of them. 3) The file is updated serially - no concurrent updates from separate processes are allowed. So only one process writes to the file at a time. 4) No, you cannot use cool new techologies like TxF.Remember...
OpenVPN 隧道类型 配置Always On 隧道 点到站点会话管理 向点到站点客户端播发自定义路由 为点到站点创建自定义 IPsec 策略 客户端配置 Intune - 部署 VPN 客户端配置文件 管理网关 SKU 路由、BGP 和 VNet 对等互连 配置VPN 网关的 NAT 修改本地网关 ...
2) Either all of your writes have to make it to the disk, or none of them. 3) The file is updated serially - no concurrent updates from separate processes are allowed. So only one process writes to the file at a time. 4) No, you cannot use cool new techologies like TxF.Remember...
仮想ネットワーク ゲートウェイ 'Basic' SKU では、IKEv2、OpenVPN、RADIUS 認証はサポートされません。 Mac クライアントを仮想ネットワークに接続する予定がある場合は、Basic SKU を使用しないでください。 選択するゲートウェイ SKU によっては、VPN ゲートウェイがビルドされるまでに...