I have created an auto increment reference number but I like to display it with leading/padding zeros. So it looks like: 0001 0002 ... 0256 0257 and so on. This is the equivalent to the following printf function: printf(" d", variable) How can I do the s
hi, i cannot find any set up to tick the field and show the total quantity in an invoice. sometimes our company have a lot items to be put in an invoice and if beside the total amount have a field to show total QTY, it will help a lot.
description: All we need to do is open up our terminal and run the command npm install @nuxt/content. Once it's installed, you'll see that inside of our package.json, we see our Nuxt Content module. Next, to finalize the setup, let's go ahead and open up our nuxt.config.js,...
Start with a square piece of paper, the coloured side up. Fold in half one way, then open. How to Make Friendship Bracelets Back Stretches Dr. Michael P. Gillespie. Listen To Your Body When stretching, always listen to your body. If the stretch starts to feel too tight, ease. HOSE RO...
When you use Open Graph tags, the Like button posts a link to the og:url instead of the URL in the Like button code. og:site_name –A human-readable name for your site, e.g., “Kaizen”. Facebook also has a sixth tag on their documentation but I dont think it will really be ...
While generating leads is a challenge in itself, the real deal begins when sales reps try to nurture these leads and convert them as customers. So how equipped is your sales team with information about your leads matters a lot. For example, you might be using webforms to generate leads and...
now we will convert this string into a list/array like -{"how", "are", "you"}; How can I do this? Is there any built in functions for this? 1user has this question. Share : Hi, You can use the 'toList()' task like: ...
I have 2 forms. On occasional basis, I add new name into the first form and assign particular tax rate and commission to that name. Daily, I need to enter data into the second form. I choose a name from "lookup/drop down" menu connected to the first form
How to Switch Back to Previous Mail Interface [Solved!] Hi, Just tried the new interface in Zoho Mail. Is there a way to switch back to the previous interface? I looked in the options but cannot find a setting that can return Mail to the old look. Regards, Scott. Access your...
The first method to overcome the syncing error in your Android or iOS applications is to reset it. Open Outlook and employ these steps. Head to the ‘Mail’ tab. Look at the top-left portion of the screen to find your profile icon and tap it. After that, click the ‘Settings’ ic...