You may prefer to shave your sideburns with a razor or trimmer. A good beard trimmer will cut your sides very short and leave a little stubble, but shaving your sideburns off can only be achieved with a razor. Learning to trim your sideburns with a razor also becomes essential if you wan...
First thing's first –if your hair is any longer than 5mm, use a hair trimmerbefore attempting anything with a razor. Any longer, and your razor WILL get clogged up with hair and start to pull… ouch! Use an electric hair trimmer (or visit your barber) and cut your hair as short as...
Guide for Women to safely shave pubic hair off the vagina without itching or razor burn after shaving. Videos for shaving pubic area are included.
Once you go through all stages, all that is left is to make your beard shiny and soft. This effect can be achieved by applying some beard oil to it. This would help your beard, but also your skin under it. This would be all from us. If you believe there’s more to know about b...
At once divisive and admirable, a well-groomed moustache is an enticing proposition and one that happens to be trending. Embrace the '70s and grow your own with help from our comprehensive guide
you’ll need to use a diamond sharpening stone to do the job right. After the blades are sharpened, reinstall them in the trimmer and screw them in tightly. It is recommended that you apply hair clipper oil to the blades after they’ve been sharpened to prevent overheating and reduce frict...
Want to avoid getting pubic area razor burns, skin irritation and bikini line ingrown hairs? How to cut pubic hair and shave it the right way.
Step 6: Moisturize Your Beard With Lightweight Oils Use beard oil to keep your beard soft and healthy. These lightweight oils help keep moisture in your beard hair and skin to soften and maintain unruly beards and mustaches. Check out ourKing C. Gillette Beard Care Kit....
If you have thick eyebrows with big brows, you may want to consider a trimmer with guard sizes. The guards will help you control how much hair you’re cutting off, and if you have thick eyebrows, the guard will make it easier for you to see what you’re cutting. ...
You can always use a sharp pair of grooming scissors if you prefer, or if you don’t own a groomer or trimmer. If you decide you’d rather trim your underarm hair rather than shaving it off, you should only need to do it every one of two weeks to keep it at bay. But we’re ...