2017). These N demands could be offset by transfer of N from N2-fixing plants (Fig. 4). Root intermingling could allow N to move between roots, due to leakage and/or root turnover, ultimately raising the possibility of N transfer from N2-fixing plants to P-mining plants (Fig. 4). ...
sustainability Sustainability 2016, 8, 337 2 of 18 From the perspective of different sectors, this paper addresses the topic of a green energy economy, focusing on CO2 emissions and investigates energy efficiency and the role of RES, which are regard as the main factors to offset increased CO2...
FOTFrequency, Offset and Tone(radio) FOTFollow-on Operational Test FOTFootball Obsessed Teens(Nike Festival of Sports) FOTFiber Optic Transceiver FOTFall of Troy(band) FOTFinger-Operated Touchscreen FOTFull of Them FOTForced Oscillation Technique(epidemiology) ...
Rapid growth in health expenditure caused by distorted provider incentives largely offsets the benefits of universal health insurance coverage. As for the quality of care, the limited progress in improving healthcare quality during China’s health system reform certainly cannot meet people’s rising ...
Accordingly, this study examines the effects of lockdowns on air quality and pollution, using the hourly and daily air monitoring data collected from Lanzhou, a large city in Northwest China. The results indicate an overall improvement in air quality during the three lockdowns compared to the ...
On the basis of these findings, we believe that sleep quality may have the potential to offset the adverse consequences of work-related smartphone use. We thus investigate daily sleep quality as a buffer of the interaction effects of work-related smartphone use and self-control demands on ego ...
FOTFrequency, Offset and Tone(radio) FOTFollow-on Operational Test FOTFootball Obsessed Teens(Nike Festival of Sports) FOTFiber Optic Transceiver FOTFall of Troy(band) FOTFinger-Operated Touchscreen FOTFull of Them FOTForced Oscillation Technique(epidemiology) ...
Building a reasonable scenario for the role of phosphate in the origin and early evolution of life needs therefore to answer two questions, namely: Which kind of reactions could have been prevalent at those stages? What kind of phosphate reactivity could take place spontaneously in the absence of...