If you create a custom chestplate, either by hand or through using the Minecraft Item Wizard, you can have it support all the Armor Trims available as of release 1.20.70. You can modify the trim patterns to better fit your custom armor too!
weapon.mainhand slot.weapon.mainhand Replace the weapon held in the main hand of the player or mob weapon.offhand slot.weapon.offhand Replace the weapon held in the offhand of the player or mob item or itemName is the name of the replacement item (See Minecraft item Names). count or ...
You can use the /item command to instanty replace one item with another item. You can replace armor items worn, weapons held in your hands, items stored in chests and items in your inventory/hotbar. This is a great way to quickly put armor on a player during a Minecraft battle or cha...
The explosions will occur simultaneously and you can add up to 6 (1-6 Firework Stars) in any formation on the Crafting Table. Crossbow You can actually shoot a firework out of a crossbow! Just place the firework in your offhand, reload, then you’re good to go! This doesn’t have mu...
If you create a custom chestplate, either by hand or through using the Minecraft Item Wizard, you can have it support all the Armor Trims available as of release 1.20.70. You can modify the trim patterns to better fit your custom armor too!