The morning (fajr) prayer consists of four rak'ahs: two sunnah and two fard. First the sunnah of the morning prayer is performed.After fulfilling all of the necessary conditions for the prayer, it is necessary to turn toward the qiblah and to intend to p
When to Pray Tahajjud The time to offer night prayers begins after Isha and ends at Fajr. However, according to the hadith that states that Allah comes to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, the time before Fajr is considered the best. The Benefits of Tahajjud Tahajjud...
Through prayer, you are able to connect with your Lord. The Arabic word for prayer (As-Salah) is actually derived from the Arabic word meaning “connection.” The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When any one of you stands to pray, he is communicating with his Lord, so...
Afterwards, you can choose to spend the night in either worship or resting. The Prophet (ﷺ) went to sleep until shortly before Fajr, choosing not to engage in night worship as he normally did. There are no tents or other accommodation facilities at Muzdalifah so you will be staying un...
Avoid the istikhārah two units of prayer during themakrūh(disliked) timings for prayer [namely, afterfajrto sunrise, when the sun is at it’s zenith at midday and afterʿaṣrup to sunset). Sisters should not perform the istikhārah two units of prayer during menses and post-natal bl...
the end of Ramadan. This practice is to ensure that this holiday isn’t just enjoyed by those who are privileged enough to afford it but by everyone. On a typical day during the celebration, a Muslim will rise before sunrise to offer their pre-sunrise prayer known as Salatul Fajr. ...
Here, they offer an evening prayer to God (Maghrib) and spend the night sleeping on the ground beneath the open sky. In the morning, gather pebbles, as you will use these for the Ramy "stoning" ceremony later in the day. 5 Perform Ramy in Mina. Before the sun rises, pilgrims head...
Question Why is wudu important? wikiHow Staff Editor Staff Answer In Islam, wudu is believed to be important for both physical and spiritual reasons. It’s important to be ritually pure in the presence of Allah before saying prayers, and wudu can also help you stay healthy by keeping clean...
How toPray in Islam How toDo Istikhara How toDeliver a Khutbah The Number of Rakat in the Isha Prayer & How To Properly Perform Them How to Perform Fajr Salaah (Dawn Prayer) in Islam How to Pray Janazah How to Perform the Salat al Isha Ishraq (Duha): A Guide to Performing the Mu...