In addition to scholarships and student loans, you may be eligible for college grants. Unlike scholarships and loans, you don’t hear a lot about college grants. But if you have exceptional financial need, they could make the difference between affording college and not. To make sure you’re...
Here are the step by step on How to Apply for Grants for College: Understand the basic: Think of the college grant pursuit as hunting, in a hunting you have to prepare things to avoid getting sidetracked. You have to know what you’re hunting, where you hunt them and how. The same a...
For more than 40 years, students and families have trusted The Princeton Review to help them get into their dream schools. We help students succeed in high school and beyond by giving them resources for better grades, better test scores, and stronger college applications. Follow us on Twitter...
These brief video lessons offer helpful information from professional guidance counselors on how to apply for college grants and scholarships...
How can I obtain grants for my education? Are there any school grants for immigrants? Where to find information regarding private school grants for children? Can anyone help me with finding the school grants for adults? Where can I find the real scholarship search? I need to know whether ...
From starry-eyed applicants to dreamers, every student tends to vouch for free money for college. Well, you might consider scoring scholarships or winning grants to be a distant possibility. However, with the right approach, accessing free money to put y
The cost of college can discourage students from attempting to become the first in their family to obtain a four-year degree. However, there are many scholarships, programs and advisory resources available for first-generation students looking to fund their hi...
Dartmouth College, on the other hand, is much more lenient. Students whose families earn less than $100,000 per year will qualify for free tuition. Just applying to one of these schools doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed a full ride. You have to be admitted first. Admittance to an ...
See what private student loan rates you could qualify for here now. Grants Grants can provide free money to students to help pay for college, typically based on financial need. Pell Grants, for example, are federal funds that do not have to be repaid. Students can apply for Pell Grants by...
FinAid: Provides information on scholarships, loans, savings and military aid, making it a valuable tool for financial aid planning. National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC): Offers resources and advocacy for students, parents and education professionals in the college admission proc...