You must obtain the Da Maze Runner badge to get the Counter glove in Slap Battles. Unlike other gloves in Slap Battles, you cannot purchase them with slaps and, instead, have to complete a specific challenge. This requires you to enter the Elude Maze on a keypad, which has a 20 percent...
The Recall Glove is tied to the Repressed Memories badge, so your main goal should be acquiring the badge first and foremost. To do this, you will want toequip the Reverse Glove and slap another playerwith this glove to teleport to another world. Keep in mind the chance of teleporting is...
To unlock the Spoonful glove inRoblox Slap Battles,get 5,000 Points on the Tycoon while having the Tycoon glove equipped. Using the Tycoon glove, you cansummon a conveyor belt called the Tycoon, which creates blocks. There’s a little green button on the side of the conveyor belt that you...
After unlocking the Incredible Running Badge, visit the main Slap Battles lobby, and you will find the Sparky Gloves next to the Boogie Gloves.For more on Roblox Slap Battles, check out How to get Bob in Roblox Slap Battles or How to get the Error Glove in Slap Battles – Roblox on Pro...
Image Source: Slap Battles via The Nerd Stash Unfortunately, to get that, you need to either have the Pocket Glove, which costs 26,000 Slaps or find someone who has it (like I did). I only had to hop a few servers before I found someone, so it wasn’t too difficult. Ask politely...
Getting the Counter Glove | Using the Counter Glove | Counter Pros and Cons | Video Are you looking for the Counter Glove so you can deflect enemy slaps (and deal massive damage) in Roblox’s Slap Battles? We’re here to help. The Counter Glove goes hand in hand with the “Da Maze...
Image Source: Slap Battles via The Nerd Stash Unfortunately, to get that, you need to either have the Pocket Glove, which costs 26,000 Slaps or find someone who has it (like I did). I only had to hop a few servers before I found someone, so it wasn’t too difficult. Ask politely...
How do you get the potato glove in Slap Battles on Roblox? Players will need to unlock the “Sorry to Burst Your Bubble” badge to unlock the potato glove. It’s a rather difficult badge to unlock in normal matches, so you’ll be better off inviting a friend to complete the following...