How to Collect a Urine Specimen: Females.The Nurse PractitionerNurse Practitioner
There are two ways in which urine is cultured: split agar, which is the most commonly employed method, and dipslide, which is a cheaper and simpler alternative to agar plating but has reduced sensitivity. It is dipped in urine, with the excess urine allowed to drain off before being ...
There, basic fertility tests are usually performed for both the man and the woman, since there may be a problem in either of the two members of the couple or even in both. I recommend that you talk to the professionals who performed the fertility test so that they can perform a semen ...
Thus, it is important to collect a specimen for laboratory testing before antibiotics are given. Culturing of organisms such as Salmonella has been the mainstay of diagnostic testing conducted at clinical laboratories. Isolates obtained from culture are forwarded from clinical laboratories to public ...
Samples for at-home trichomoniasis tests can include urine and vaginal swabs. These samples are then mailed to or dropped off at, a lab for testing. At-home trichomoniasis testing can be a good option for people who are uncomfortabletalking to their healthcare providers about STDs. However, at...
First, let’s make one thing clear: only obtain urinalysis/urine dipstick if it will assist your decision making. Do not order it on a routine basis. Second, urine dipstick is comparable to microscopic analysis, with similar sensitivity and specificity. [8-10] Urine is normally a shade of ...
If you have retracted a male patient's foreskin during this procedure, make sure to put it backwhere you found it.Paraphimosis (also known as capistration) may occur if the foreskin has not been reduced after the procedure.Swelling of the glans makes reduction increasingly difficult...
& Cornish, Nancy E (2013) Urine Specimen Collection: How a Multidisciplinary Team Improved Patient Outcomes Using Best Practices. Urologic Nursing, Sep-Oct; 33 (5): 249-56.Dolan VJ, Cornish NE. Urine specimen collection: How a multidisciplinary team improved patient outcomes using best practices...