You need the following items to obtain honeycomb in Minecraft: Shears Full Bee Nest or Beehive Campfire Tomake shears, you need toplace two iron ingots diagonallynext to each other on thecrafting tableor in the crafting grid of your inventory. They can be placed in any two rows and the d...
You can also craft it from Honey, which you can obtain from a Beehive using an Empty Bottle. To get an Egg, simply look for a Chicken and wait a few minutes for it to drop, or hunt down a Fox which has a chance to drop one. For Wheat, you need to look for Hay Bale Blocks ...
APotion of Swiftnessin Minecraft is a brewable item used to give you Swiftness, a status effect that increases your movement speed. When consumed, a regular Potion of Swiftness allows you to move 20% faster for 3 minutes. This effect applies to walking, sprinting, and sneaking but not jumpi...