添加下面这行55-keep public class *extends android.support.v4.app.Fragment.** {*;}56#保留在Activity中的方法参数是view的方法,从而在layout里编写的onClick不会被影响57-keepclassmembers class *extends android.app.Activity{58public void *(android.view.View);59}60#枚举类不能被混淆61-keepclassmember...
Writing code to encrypt and decrypt your app's data using the javax.crypto package, which is included in the Android SDK, can be confusing. Therefore, most developers prefer using third party libraries, such as Facebook's Conceal library, which are usually much easier to work with. 3.使用I...
How to Manually Deobfuscate Crash Stack Traces for Debugging Android Apps when using Obfuscate App Logic No code/SDK Mobile Cyber Defense Automation
android.util.Log { public * ; } #search and deobfuscate addJavascriptInterface -dontwarn javax.annotation.** -dontwarn android.app.** -dontwarn android.support.** -dontwarn android.view.** -dontwarn android.widget.** -dontwarn com.google.common.primitives.** -dontwarn **CompatHoneycomb -...
OWLOutlined White Letters(Refers to outlined white-letters on the sidewalls of certain tires) OWLOrbiting Wide-Angle Light Collector OWLOmaha Worship Leaders(Omaha, NE) OWLObfuscated Weird Language(character-based language interpreter) OWLOutdoors Without Limits ...
It can be difficult to access your home Internet services and resources when you travel out of the country. Here are six ways a virtual private network can help.
You will need to obfuscate the code and or create an encrypted .jsxbin version of the .jsx code, which isn't bulletproof. This doesn't stop the system clock being changed to extend the expiry of the script. So you could script the writing of the date of the first run of the s...
Obfuscate the code. In addition to making the code more readable, it detects and removes unused resources, thereby optimizing it. Use the resources of the platform. For example,Androidhas an internal drawable objects class that allows you to draw simple images internally without adding anything to...
Obfuscation is used against static reverse engineering attempts, one of the measures is encrypt the string/obfuscate them. This obfuscation should change the name of your sensitive in-app strings while maintaining the same expected behavior in the run time of your app. ...
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