The conversion of sugar (chemically a solid ring structure) into a chain of carbons called "fa tty a cids" is meta bolica lly e xpe nsive. T he body does not ordinarily synthes ize fat from "na tural" dietary s ugars (starches, vegeta bles, a nd fruits) in any s ignifica nt ...
Finally, the role of tumor-derived EVs on distant organs was shown for the first time in a melanoma model, where EVs were found to be preferentially addressed to lymph nodes where they induced a permissive environment for metastasis called the pre-metastatic niche (43). Moreover, tumor-derived...
This implies that the actual number of secondary metabolites within a given species is much more limited. The functional role of these phytochemicals range from the ecology to defence, improving protection against both biotic and abiotic stresses, besides being involved in ecological roles as ...
4. (a) If imported by a sugar factory or a sugar refinery. Explanation.- For the purpose of this notification;- (i) “sugar factory” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in Section 2I of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966; (ii) “sugar refinery” means a unit which is...