Implement controls to protect its information assets commensurate with the criticality and sensitivity of those information assets, and undertake systematic testing and assurance regarding the effectiveness of those controls Notify APRA of material information security incidents These key requirements can be br...
Why do I need to notify the DVLA of a medical condition? There is a penalty to pay if you don’t inform the DVLA of a medical condition that can affect your ability to drive safely: you can be fined up to £1000. What’s more, if you have an accident and medical evidence shows...
a qualified doctor needs to record the cause of death on the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). They must then notify the Medical Examiner for a corroborating opinion. Providing the doctor is clear on the cause of death and no irregularities or suspicions are noted, if the Medical...
use Notifiable { notify as protected laravelNotify; }应该如何理解? 1 0 1 问答 / 0 / 1 / 创建于 6年前 use Notifiable { notify as protected laravelNotify; }举报 wangjiu 课程读者 44 声望 暂无个人描述~ 1 人点赞 《L05 电商实战》 从零开发一个电商项目,功能包括电商后台、商品 & S...