NoFap is a sexual health website and recovery platform. Most people are members of NoFap to recover from porn addiction, problematic porn use, and non-porn compulsive sexual behavior (such as excessive masturbation). However, anyone pursuing sexual self-improvement is welcome, and NoFap users h...
The first movement to take a stance against the consumption of pornography is the NoFap community. That’s a movement originally started in June 2011 byAlexander Rhodes, after a Reddit discussion that highlighted the results from a Chinese study on men’s testosterone levels. The study found tha...
When you characterize porn as an addiction ittellsyou that it is hard to break free, that it is a struggle, that relapse is inevitable — all things that have nothing to do with porn. But when you characterize online porn as junk food, the solution is obvious: don’t eat it. –The ...
Step 7: Learn to Deal with Relapses and Setbacks Easy Does It: Take the Sting out of Relapse Relapses are a typical part of the recovery process and should be viewed as opportunities for growth rather than signs of failure. Understanding that setbacks can happen allows individuals to approach...
To make the detox easier, block access to problematic apps, games, and websites using an app likeFocus.Me. Delete Instagram off your phone, uninstall Steam, and block YouTube. The harder you make it to regain access, the less tempted you will be to relapse. ...
Learn More >>>The NoFap Timeline. Masturbation Overload: Recognizing the Signs Now each person can experience different masturbation addiction symptoms but according to research, these are the signs you should be looking for.2 More to Feel Good: You need to do it more often for the same plea...
However, as previously mentioned, the “chaser” isn’t unique to porn addiction. For recovering addicts of all types, one slip-up can lead down the road to relapse. One cue that reminds recovering porn addicts of porn use – whether it is a sexy photo, pornography, erotica, or even hav...