So it takes a lot of effort to correct yourself and say: hang on, I have no clue. They might be laughing about something that has nothing to do with me. So seeing the positive intention of the other one requires a lot of discipline and t...
Onceyou’re comfortable doing wall or elevated push-ups, proceed to knee push-ups.Your shoulder and hand placement will look just like a regular push-up (an “arrow”, not a “T”), but you’ll stabilize yourself on your knees instead of your feet. As demonstrated here: HOW TO TRAIN ...
Maybe that medium won’t be your preferred one for life, but you can learn something from it that you can apply to your overall work, even if it is gaining the confidence of being able to express yourself in another form. Drawing a replica is not about copying, is about discovering how...
To motivate yourself to blog regularly, you’ll need to write about something you’re genuinely interested in. If you choose a topic solely on the basis of its being popular or profitable, your efforts will peter out pretty quickly, along with your entire blog content strategy. If you aren...
You can take the above principle and turn it around to focus on yourself, too. The Curiosity Gap Technique involves sparking interest by mentioning interesting details without giving away the whole story.Start by mentioning a fascinating detail or fact without elaborating too much. For example, “...
When you start a blog, think long term. To motivate yourself to blog regularly, you’ll need to write about something you’re genuinely interested in. If you choose a topic solely on the basis of its being popular or profitable, your efforts will peter out pretty quickly, along with your...
first you must be beautiful to yourself and that is achieved with being satisfied with yourself. How to be beautiful is not a question that has universal answer. Finding what makes you feel and look beautiful is individual thing but there are definitely some ways to be beautiful listed above ...
Schedule time to go on social media: If you want or need to use social media, Newport suggests scheduling time to use it. This flips on its head the way we usually use these tools, to fill unscheduled time. This method helps you set limits for yourself. ...
Who do you think you are? You’re no one. You’re not good enough. You’ll never be good enough. Stop fooling yourself, you f*cking idiot. Can you relate to this incessant feeling of self-loathing and self-hatred? Do you feel like, no matter what you do, you’re unimportant, in...
In fact if you want to find out which bits of you hurt and which bits of you don’t without going through the trauma of stabbing yourself all over with a compass*, tickling can be a useful (and if you bring a friend perhaps fun) alternative. If it tickles, there’s a cluster of ...