As more of us take up vaping and concerns rise about the long-term effects, we now have enough data to get a grip on the health impact – and how it compares to smoking
Vaping and Your Lungs You might cough and wheeze. If you haveasthma, vaping can make it worse. Scientists think the chemicals often found in e-juice can cause other serious lung problems. A chemical called acrolein, for example, is mainly used to kill weeds. It can cause sudden lung injur...
Biting or chewing nicotine lozenges instead of allowing them to dissolve can lead toindigestionorheartburn. You should not eat or drink anything while the lozenge is in your mouth. The lozenges will last for about 20-30 minutes when allowed to dissolve in the mouth. The most commonly reported...
Bronchitis Cough Relief Bronchitis happens when the airways in your lungs become inflamed, causing you to cough. It may be acute or chronic. If it is acute, it will go away within days or weeks. If it's chronic, it may be long-lasting, and you’ll need treatment to manage your sympto...
Then push a small amount of vapor out using your throat in a short pulsing motion, similar to a subtle cough. The size of the O you make with your lips correlates to the vapor ring you’ll produce. If you’re going for some fat donuts, be sure to tuck your lips in, instead of ...
Vaping causes lung damage due to the chemicals in the vape liquid, the chemicals created when the vape liquid is heated and the heavy metals from the vape heater that enter the aerosol/gas as you inhale. The good news is that the human body is an amazing creation and starts healing in ...
But it's not only regular cigarettes that are toxic to our bodies; e-cigarettes, too, come with health and safety concerns. The problem? Liquid nicotine. Liquid nicotine is extracted from tobacco, but unlike tobacco leaves, liquid nicotine can be lethal. It can cause harm when it's ...
We all know that smoking isn't good for us, and it's not good for your pets either. A dog with kennel cough certainly does not need to be breathing in secondhand smoke. Their respiratory tract is irritated enough. Give your dog a break and don't smoke. Also avoid candles and vaping...
The Vapcap has a built in thermometer that tells you when it is ready to use.Vapcap caps click once, or twice, to let you know it has heated up.The click is created by a metal disc in the cap. Take a couple of draws, until you hear the one, or two, cool-down clicks....
Given what is at stake and given how wonderful you will feel when you are released from the nightmare of sleep deprivation, the required changes are not only easy but also simple to apply. 2. The work ethic The average person is working longer hours today than our counterparts a hundred ...