自我治疗强迫症的方法(续)HowtotreattheOCDbyMyself 作者简介 我叫王子瑞,是个成功走出强迫症阴影的幸运儿。早在初中时,就曾深受强迫症折磨多年(因神经衰弱导致),后有幸跟随一位教授学习了日本森田疗法而在几个月内痊愈。深知强迫症的痛苦,康复后的日子里我即开始了为他人治疗各类神经症和探索心理学的旅程。有...
How to treat the OCD by Myself 【强迫症系列文章(三)】 王子瑞 Now,千呼万唤始出来~~自我治疗强迫症的方法(续) 系列(二)文章中, 记述了“山形曲线情感法则”、“注意力转移法则”和“理智--情感关系”对自我治疗强迫症的应用。其用意即是帮助患者做到“反记忆、退记忆”强迫症,和一步步褪去“强迫症习惯...
Check out some most commonsymptoms of OCDto watch for now! 4. Fish Oil In order to know how to treat ADHD naturally, you should not overlook fish oil. To combat the symptoms of the condition, fish oil can give a helping hand for your kid. Experts believe that a shortage of polyunsatur...
Journal. Here is a video I made about journalinghttps://myocddiary.com/2014/01/18/ocd-journaling/ Seek Connection If you live alone and are naturally an introvert, you still need connection. One thing I like to do is FaceTime my family and friends for company. We don’t call to talk...
SSRIs are also helpful because they treat a number of other disorders people might have in conjunction with BDD. Another way to treat BDD is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a general method of psychotherapy first developed in the 1950s, which encompasses several approaches. CBT focuses on ...
Does staring make you feel anxious, but you’re not sure why or how to stop? Or does a random intrusive urge to stare at something or someone tend to pop into your head out of nowhere? Maybe you’ve heard a little bit about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and are wondering if ...
Dream about a place where you’d like to be. Meditate. Be creative and engage in a relaxing activity, such as knitting or drawing. Other Ways to Lower Your Heart Rate Often, your pulse might jump up for a little while and slow down naturally. If your heart rate doesn’t go down thou...
their symptoms intensifying during the COVID-19 outbreak. Based on current information and a look back at historical outbreaks, we have no way to estimate how long this might go on. So, what can we all do in the meantime to deal with OCD and heightened anxiety during the times of COVID...
Write down the tasks that you need to complete, and specify a time for doing them. This will help you to proactively tackle your work. Promise yourself a reward. If you complete a difficult task on time, reward yourself with a treat, such as a slice of cake or a coffee from your ...
To overcome a lack of concentration caused by anxiety, try sandwiching it between things you find enjoyable or using extrinsic motivation, such as a trip out for a treat, to stay focused. You can also “eat the frog,” which means completing the most unpleasant task at the start of your...